by Kate Quinn | Jun 25, 2019 | Uncategorized
I’m newly back from the 2019 Historical Novel Society Conference, and I promise I’ll get my recap up soon–but in case you missed the Koffee Klatch I did with the fabulous Beatriz Williams on how to craft a dual-narrative historical novel, here are... by Kate Quinn | Mar 15, 2018 | Uncategorized
Confession time: every writer knows EXACTLY who should play their book characters in the fantasy movie cast, and if they say they have never given this any thought, they are lying. Because Googling pictures of Tom Hardy or Cate Blanchett and calling it...
by Kate Quinn | Oct 10, 2017 | The Alice Network
Looking back into my research files today to bring you the story behind one of the pivotal events in The Alice Network. (Don’t worry–no spoilers here if you haven’t read TAN yet.) In central France, a few miles from Limoges, lies a ghost town called...
by Kate Quinn | Jul 24, 2017 | The Alice Network
“She could well imagine people coming to wait at the adjoining cafe, nibbling biscuits with rose jam, drinking too much wine, crooning along to the radio. Edith Piaf was playing now.” — The Alice Network I love great food in books–I love to...
by Kate Quinn | Jul 14, 2017 | Uncategorized
Last week I had great fun recapping my recent excursion to the 2017 Historical Novel Society Conference in Portland. It was my fourth conference, without a doubt the biggest and best yet—three days of fascinating panel discussions, industry chatter, historical...